Reflections and Resolutions

As I sit at my desk waiting for 3.30pm and the first class of my taught Master's course to roll around, I can't help but look back over the last three years, and start thinking about how I can make this academic year even better.  I have been very lucky to have had such an exciting and positive experience as an undergraduate Classics student.  I met wonderful friends in my halls and on my course, and experienced independent(ish) living for the first time.  I got involved with clubs and societies, contributed to The Undergraduate Journal (, and even took up a new sport (! The cherry on top of this fantastic experience was definitely being elected President of the Exeter Classics Society ( in my final year.

Needless to say, I'm thrilled to be starting my Master's year.  After some confusion with my timetable, I have enrolled in some very exciting courses (even one on dragons!), and I can't wait to start writing my thesis.  As this is something of a fresh start, I thought I should make some resolutions for the new academic year:

1. Be more organised!
This is a very obvious one, and probably something that every student promises to do at the start of each year.  Obviously this will apply to academic life as I attempt to avoid the feared all-nighters that plagued my undergraduate years.  I hope it will also apply to my personal life...helping with the little things like doing grocery shopping and actually getting up in the morning...

2. Be healthy!
Again, a common one. Everyone talks about the whole 'healthy body, healthy mind' set up, so perhaps there is some truth in it.  I aim to eat less junk when writing essays (Vale, Domino's Pizza), and also actually go to the gym, rather than just wearing gym clothes to campus because I got up too late to do my hair in the morning...

3. Do more extra curricular Classics related stuff!
For those of you new to my blog, and for those of you who aren't new but haven't picked up on it yet, I love my subject.  I really can't get enough of it, and my desire to study in some form or another creeps over into my personal life. 

I'd like to continue to be involved in the language mentoring scheme run by the Exeter Classics Society, which provides a great environment for students to mentor each other and keep their language skills sharp.  I'd also like to contribute more to the HiRise translation project.  I did a post about their work ( when I first got involved with the scheme, but due to the stresses and pains of 3rd year, I wasn't able to contribute as much as I would have liked.

I was introduced to The Ancient History Encyclopaedia ( by a friend and fellow Classicist.  For those of you who haven't encountered it, it's a really incredible online resource which covers pretty much every aspect of the Ancient World, with photographs, definitions and articles contributed by members of the public.  I've just sent in my first submissions, and I hope to be able to contribute to this project regularly throughout the coming year.


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