in the semester (sometime in February, if memory serves), my supervisor
(Professor Bruce Gibson) mentioned the possibility of some sort of gathering or
workshop, centred around Flavian Literature, taking place at the University of
Manchester. Naturally, I was
delighted! I spent a hefty chunk of my
MA year working on Valerius Flaccus for my main dissertation, and hadn’t had
much chance to return to Valerius, or any of his Flavian counterparts since. I was even more excited to be given the
chance to contribute a little something to this gathering by presenting a paper
of my own. I decided to build upon some
of the material and arguments covered in my MA dissertation (which examined
navigation as a poetic and political mechanism in Valerius’ Argonautica), refining and redeveloping
my work to better fit the theme of the workshop: Flavian Literature and
Intertextuality. I eventually decided to
explore Valerius’ engagement with Lucan’s complex poetic legacy, through close
examination of the loaded use of civil war imagery in the Argonautica. At last, after
many sleepless nights, countless mugs of coffee, and several frenzied writing
sessions, the paper was ready to go. I
must say, I’m VERY proud that the paper wasn’t finished during the small hours
of the night/morning before it was due to be delivered!
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Order of business for the two days. |
I found
the format of this workshop to be really useful for postgraduate students. The two days featured some theoretical
sessions, fun analysis and close reading activities, and presentations from
both academics and postgrads, with plenty of tea, coffee, and biscuits for (intellectual)
sustenance! I’ll admit that, in the
past, I’ve often shied away from dense and heavy theoretical reading. As such, I found the first session, which
took us on a chronological journey through the history of intertextual reading,
to be incredibly valuable, particularly at this early stage of my own PhD
adventures. Firstly, it was useful to
get a neat overview of the development of different ideas and schools of
thought, an exercise which helped to place much of our own reading exercises in
context. Secondly, it was interesting to
see how approaches to intertextual studies in ancient literature can be
approached in our fast-moving digital age.
We were introduced to a variety of digital humanities tools with the
capacity to facilitate intertextual analysis of ancient texts, through their
vast database resources and precise in-text search capabilities, and given an
overview of the strengths and weaknesses of each tool.
sites include:
-Tesserae: www.tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu
-Musisque Deoque: www.mqdq.it/public
-Pede Certo: www.pedecerto.eu
getting to grips with the latest tools and approaches to intertextual reading,
we turned to the fantastic range papers and presentations which covered diverse
areas of pretty much every author from the Flavian period-there really was
something for everyone to get their teeth into, no matter where their key research
interests lay. It was encouraging to
hear papers from individuals at all stages of their academic careers, from postgraduate
students to established figures in the field.
I got great insights into works I’m ashamed to say I’d never studied in
depth, such as Statius’ Achilleid and
Silius Italicus’ Punica, as well as
texts I count amongst my firm favourites-Statius’ Thebaid and, of course, Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica.
Some of the handouts showing the incredible range of topics and texts covered over the two days |
My own
paper, ‘Braving the Lucanian Storm: Navigating Civil War in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica’, came on the morning of the
second day. By this point, the bar had
been set incredibly high, and I was very grateful to have had the experience of
presenting at my departmental PGR work in progress seminars and compiled a list
of presentation do’s and don’ts! I had
been reassured repeatedly that this would be an equally relaxed and friendly
audience, and, fortunately, this was very true (I was also having too much fun
to be a really nervous wreck, which was probably a good thing). Despite initially worrying that my paper was
far too long, then worrying that it was far too short following a brutal
editorial/culling session, I ended up running slightly over time. I hadn’t quite achieved the goldilocks
measure of ‘just right’, but no one
threw anything or protested loudly at my lax approach to time keeping, so I
chalked it up as another lesson learned for the future. When I (eventually) finished speaking, I received
some really valuable feedback on my paper, with plenty of questions and
suggestions to help further develop and refine my ideas. I was also lucky to be surrounded by people
whose varying interests and research projects meant I was privy to all sorts of
intertextual readings of key passages from my paper which I would not have
stumbled upon any time soon by myself. I
found the possible scope of my paper extending beyond Valerius’ text, and
shaping up to become a substantial project to which I could devote some serious
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I was pretty pleased with myself... |
The second
day closed with a fun practical session on close reading and intertextual
analysis, bringing together everything we had discussed over the course of the
workshop. We were presented with a
booklet of extracts (and translations-by this point my poor brain was too buzzy
and caffeinated to do serious translation work), and divided into groups to
discuss a selection of the texts. Once
again, the benefits of having groups of researchers with varied and diverse
interests became clear, as each party came up with a whole range novel and
contrasting readings of the passages, and thus brought a great deal of food for
thought to the table for our final deliberations.
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A handful of the passages chosen for close reading and intertextual analysis |
I had a wonderful couple of days at another one of the NWCDTP’s institutions,
getting to know students and academics whom I had only really ever spoken to
over social media, experiencing life in another vibrant and exciting
department, and broadening my understanding and appreciation of the Flavian
literary corpus. Although I had great
fun presenting, listening to the other papers, and getting my teeth into some
Latin text, my favourite aspect of the whole experience was, without a doubt,
how welcoming, warm, and friendly everyone was.
I arrived slightly unsure of what to expect and how I would be able to
contribute to the workshop as a lowly first year PGr student, and left having
met a fabulous group of people from so many different academic institutions,
and with a long list of ideas for future collaborative projects and workshops.
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